Biblical timeline

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Thought this kinda tied in!

*_SCARS OF LIFE_**_ _**
> >
> > **Some years ago, **
> > **on a hot summer day **
> > **in **South Florida**,** **
> > **a little boy decided to** *go ***
> > **for a swim in the old swimming**
> > *hole behind his house. **
> >
> > *In a hurry to dive into **
> > **the cool water, **
> > **he ran out the back door,**
> > *leaving behind shoes, socks,*
> > *and shirt as he went. ***
> >
> > **He flew into the water, **
> > **not realizing that as he swam**
> > *toward the middle of the lake,*
> > *an alligator was swimming toward the shore. *
> >
> > *His father, working in the yard,*
> > *saw the two as they got closer and closer together. ***
> >
> > **In utter fear, **
> > **he ran toward the water, **
> > **yelling to his son as loudly **
> > **as he could. **
> >
> > *Hearing his voice, ***
> > **the little boy became alarmed**
> > *and made a U-turn ***
> > **to swim to his father. **
> > **It was too late. **
> > **Just as he reached his father,**
> > *the alligator reached him. *
> >
> > *From the dock, ***
> > **the father grabbed his little**
> > *boy by the arms ***
> > **just as the alligator snatched his legs. **
> > **That began an incredible **
> > **tug-of-war between the two. *
> >
> > *The alligator was much stronger than the father, **
> > **but the father was much **
> > **too passionate to let go. **
> >
> > *A farmer happened to drive by,*
> > *heard his screams, ***
> > **raced from his truck, **
> > **took aim and shot the alligator. **
> >
> > *Remarkably, after weeks and weeks*
> > *in the hospital, ***
> > **the little boy survived.. **
> > **His legs were extremely scarred**
> > *by the vicious attack ***
> > **of the animal. **
> >
> > **And on his arms,*
> >
> > *were deep scratches **
> > **where his father's fingernails**
> > *dug into his flesh in his effort ***
> > **to hang on to the son he loved. **
> >
> > *The newspaper reporter ***
> > **who interviewed the boy **
> > **after the trauma,** **
> > **asked if he would **
> > **show him his scars. **
> > *The boy lifted his pant legs. **
> >
> > *And then, with obvious pride,**
> > *he said to the reporter, *
> > *'But look at my arms. *
> > *I have great scars *
> > *on my arms, too. *
> > *I have them because *
> > *my Dad wouldn't let go.' *
> >
> > *You and I can identify *
> > *with that little boy. ***
> > **We have scars, too. **
> > *No, not from an alligator, *
> > *but the scars of a painful past. **
> >
> > *Some of those scars **
> > *are unsightly and have *
> > *caused us deep regret. *
> > *But, some wounds, *
> > *my friend, *
> > *are because God has refused *
> > *to let go. *
> > *In the midst of your struggle, **
> >
> > *God's been there **
> > *holding on to you. *
> >
> > *The Scripture teaches that *
> > *God loves you. *
> > *You are a *child of God*. *
> > *God wants to protect you *
> > *and provide for you in every way.*** *
> >
> > *But sometimes we foolishly wade *
> >
> > *into dangerous situations, *
> >
> > *not knowing what lies ahead. *
> >
> > *The **swimming hole** of life **
> > *is filled with peril - *
> > *and we forget *
> > *that the enemy is waiting *
> > *to attack. *
> > *That's when the tug-of-war begins*
> > *- and if you have *
> > *the scars of God's love ***
> > **on your arms, **
> > *be very, very grateful. *
> > *God did not and will not ever let you go. *
> >


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Okay I am a christian. I believe in the bible and in God and in the end of times and the 2nd coming! I also would like to thank all of you who have stood up for just this... BUT this is steer planet lets keep it at just that.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
PaddyO said:
Okay I am a christian. I believe in the bible and in God and in the end of times and the 2nd coming! I also would like to thank all of you who have stood up for just this... BUT this is steer planet lets keep it at just that.

And that is what makes this forum so great , to discuss a wide variety of subjects. I sure have learned a lot of things on here that are not cattle related.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
PaddyO, Glad you are a Christian. If I don't like a topic on here I just don't open it up - pretty simple.


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
shortdawg said:
PaddyO, Glad you are a Christian. If I don't like a topic on here I just don't open it up - pretty simple.

I agree... I too am glad, but it's obvious what this thread is about just by looking at the title. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
TJ said:
shortdawg said:
PaddyO, Glad you are a Christian. If I don't like a topic on here I just don't open it up - pretty simple.

I agree... I too am glad, but it's obvious what this thread is about just by looking at the title. 

that's outrageous. i need obama to tell me what's right or wrong. i can't be relied on to do this myself.  where's my leader?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
A little girl asked her mother: 'How did the human race appear?' The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve; they had children; and so was all mankind made.' Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, 'Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.' The confused girl returned to her mother and said, 'Mum, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?' The mother answered, 'Well, Dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family, and your father told you about his.' 


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
Lol we're trying 2 figure what side the monkey's come from in our family


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
So anyone that questions the gay bashing or the stupidity of some churches. Or questions the natural science of the earth. Or doesn't question alter boys being abused by priest. Or wonder why science points to man being in North america 20,000 years ago. Or questions women right to vote? All I know is that the music that will be played in hell will be alternating rap and Barry Manilo songs. Just kidding. ;D Way to go simtal..I thought I was going to have to bump this post. I'm sure I will catch heck now. Which is the best church to go to? ;D


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Since I can't get one inch of movement toward my cause of a very, very, old world and people being here more than 6,000 years I will leave with a parting shot. There are written accounts of plantation owners being very religious people. At the same time they owned slaves.What does the bible say about slaves. Someone must have enterpeted a verse in the bible to say that this was ok....untill someone questioned the practice. Did the bible people change the slavery practice? Or were they dragged kicking and screaming. Then on the women voting deal. Women haven't been allowed to vote untill recently in the U.S.. What does the bible say about women voting? I know some states had a law where women could vote when they were 21 but men could vote when they were 18. Doesn't the bible say women should be submissive to their husband or something like that. I believe in god and I think the world is millions of years old. I think man orginated in the area where africa is today at least 40,000 years ago. I think man has been in North America at least 20,000 years. I did go to church last sunday by the way. I still think that the church and science needs to come closer together.But who am I to say. I like whiskey on occasion. ;)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Christians that also understand and appropriately trust in the scientific method - like you and me, are in the majority, most are just quiet about it.  Not much point in arguing with brick walls unless its for the fun of it.  Preachers son in my class swore up and down that dinosaurs never existed.  One set of my grandparents never believed we never went to the moon.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
That women being submissive verse is one of the most taken out of context verses by far. Get you a bible and read that whole chapter and you will see what I mean.


Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
Well I have been trying to stay off this one for a while, but I guess I just couldn't keep my fingers away from the keyboard any longer.   

First off aj, I appreciate your openness and frankness when questioning things about scripture and the way we humans live out our faiths.  I would be lying if I ever acted to be perfect or better than anyone else and so would anyone in any church.  The Greatest two commandements by Jesus Christ were to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."(1) then to love your neighbor as yourself.  There are some people that don't follow this as well as they should I am one at times also.  The thing we must look at is the church was created as a hospital for sinners not a cathedral for Saints.  Sometimes people look at the church as if they are supposed to be perfect and that's not possible.  Now they should look different from the rest of society, unfortunatley though sometimes they don't.  I do want to address some things that have been stated and even bring up a few things that haven't yet. 

First off the Bible is very clear that sin is sin.  All sin is equal in condemnation.  What happens is people look toward someone else and say, well I am not as bad as that person, so I must not need a saviour.  When in all actuality the only person we can or should compare ourselves to is Jesus Christ, we then know that He was our perfect atonement we look very sinful and tainted compared to Him as opposed to our neighbor.  He is our measuring stick nothing else. 

AJ to your questions about Slavery and women's rights.  The bible  was actually the one of the first teachings to defend the rights and importance of women.  The bible teaches throughout the New Testament that men were to "love your wife's as Christ loved the church".  meaning be willing to sacrifice your life for your wife if so needed.  The bible also is very clear that the women being submissive has nothing to do with importance just rank.
Just as any animal with two heads is a monster so is a home.  That's also why the man will be held accountable at judgement for their families, not the wife.  A good example is the military.  Who is worth more a 20 year master chief who knows every in and out of his shop?  Or a still wet behind the ears lieutenant just out of OCS who doesn't even know where the can is?  Of course the 20 year chief is more valuable, just as in most homes, the wife is more valuable, but the lieutenant out ranks the master chief for organizational sake.  So why did it take us so long to allow women to vote and for them to stop being looked at as lower than men I don't know but it's wrong period. 

Second to slavery, if we look at what Christ counted as the two most important commandements in the Bible, I don't know how anyone could ever think that they were obeying the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself and own slaves.  I don't know it was wrong period.

now to your statement Zach about pretty sure it has been proven we came from monkeys, I ask you how has it been proven.  Scientific method goes like this,
First ask a question
Second do some research
Form a hypothesis
test your hypothesis by doing an or multiple experiements
analyze your data and draw a conclusion
communicate your results

There has not been any cases of someone turning a monkey into a man so it's just a theory that we came from monkey's nothing more.  Just like there is no way to recreate the world in 7 days or with a big bang so they are just theories also.  Some would like you to believe they are more, but they are just theories none the less.  Chambero seems to be a very wise man, who has spent great time in researching his field.  He has his theories about time hear on earth and I have mine, but neither one of us can replicate the beginings of the earth so they are both theories.   

I also want to ask some questions about why we look at some information as true yet we seem to ignore others as well.  Just as people ignoring the second greatest commandement in scripture and owning slaves.  No one questions the authenticity of Caesar's Gallic wars, but our understanding of these comes from 9 or 10 copies dated almost 1,000 years after the original.  We have approximately 10 copies of "The History of Herodotus" and those are dated somewhere between 900 and 1300 years after he lived and he is considered the father of history.  But we have over 5000 copies of the New Testament some dated within 50 years of the originals, and people say we can't believe the Bible? 

I will stop with this.  In the Old Testament their are 60 major prophecies about Jesus life and death.  If we were to apply the science of probabiltiy to this we we would find that the probablity of one person fulfilling only 8 of the 60 major prophecies would be 1 in 10 to the 17th power or,
1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000
To give a more accurate description of how huge this number really is let's take a silver dollar actually 10 to the 17th silver dollars and fill the state of Texas with them.  The state would be covered two foot deep.  Now let's mark an X on one, stir the whole thing up.  Then blind fold your best friend and let him find the X on his First Try.  Same chances Jesus had in fulfilling only 8 of the 60 major prophecies that he fulfilled. 

So yes aj, as long as you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ you will get your chance to ask Him someday, how long we have been here.

P.S.  The Bible says in no place a drink is bad so enjoy your whiskey as long as it doesn't control you! ;)

1 matthew 26:37-38


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Thanks shortdawg and a3. Darwins book origin of species got alot of things wrong. But he was ahead of his time and he was asking the right questions. On the ape deal or whatever...I kinda question the Neaderthal theories it was so long ago. But a lot of scientist types think the neaderthal was a different species and actually competed for resources with man. It is very hard to look at partial skeletons and come up with theories. If man last another 50 years I'm sure scientific theories of today will be changed or dumped. They are always evolving. I sometimes think it would be funny if god put down a perydactlye skeloton down on the smoky(40 mile south of me) in the chalkbeds just to goof up people. I doubt it but since he created man in the image of himself, |I'm sure he has a honery streak as well. Didn't mean to sound sacreligious. ;)