Red Angus - Looking for a new executive secretary

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
ITK - sad but true. The United States are slowly being converted from an english speaking country to a spanish speaking country. It does put a burr under my saddle that I'm suppossedto learn their language so they can come live in my country (many times illegally) but apperantly they don't have to learn english. Even in my little part of the world there are more and more immagrants that refuse to use our native language. One of these days it will get me in trouble but I like to walk up to them when they are speaking their native tongue, stick my hand out and say - Welcome to America, now speak the language!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
ok, number 2 for the day.

americans are being assimilated, notice the way you feel as the new minority.  demographics is the only measure of a society.  this is not bad or good, it simply is.  if americans don't reproduce or limit immigration of both types as most countries do, ie mexico and canada both have extremely limited immigration policies.  it is bandied about that we need diversity.  the truth is, for the most part, in spite of what it says on the statue of liberty, we have mostly taken in as a matter of demographics, those who excel rather than the opposite.

i find this interesting in the red angus thread.  all breeds are subject to the demographics change including cattle.  what is changing is what is valued, simply by demographics alone.  we are chasing a cost structure whose only logical end is slavery, then war.  rinse, repeat.

resistance is futile, you will experience Asimilación

some will say the net assimilation is towards what we consider america.  i say come to hollister.  in england, the number one name for newborns is now mohammed, yet in muslim countries and latin countries there is no corresponding erosion of their norms except in touristy areas of mexico where they gladly take your dollar but call you gringo, which to me is racist and deserves equal outrage of all terms, if we are going to overreact about that and not let people work because they are white and use those words, but it's ok, yet even fashionable to dis whitey.  on robert urich's last television show, he was called a cracker and took it like the dumb whitey he as portraying.  there are no alpha males left in america, they are all beta's, schooled by ..................ugh, ok i'm stopping.

being the secretary must be a tough job.  who were some good ones, say 20 30 40 50 60 years ago and why were they successful (of any breed)


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Knabe - I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my alpha male status just yet - I can still put 10 rounds in the end of a coffeee cup at 100 yards! What was they old saying - God made all men Colt made them equal.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
not sure i'm up to that, but i can put 6 rounds in the 10 circle at 50 feet with an n frame.  same, but more with a semi.  always pulled with rifles for some reason, gave up.

always jealous of you long bore shooters.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
What was they old saying - God made all men Colt made them equal.

and Mr Smith and Mr Wesson made the women equaler (with apologies to George Orwell AKA Eric Blair) ;) :eek: (clapping)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
DL said:
What was they old saying - God made all men Colt made them equal.

and Mr Smith and Mr Wesson made the women equaler (with apologies to George Orwell AKA Eric Blair) ;) :eek: (clapping)

isn't SMITHbuilt in EQUALERizer? and they are MAGIC too.  gotta love the women.

i think that has to set a record for saying the most with the fewest words and ruining it with this sentence.

here, i'll ruin it some more

that's it america, go after the citizen with more vigor than the criminal.
btw, social security card fraud is punishible by a $250,000 fine and 5 or 7 years in jail.  you need to use that number to get employed.  why this isn't enforced is beyond me, and not verifying the number after presentation of a card should be punishable more than just paying cash wages to an illegal.  that's almost complicity.

and this from peggy noonan.  notice what hillary is worried about.  btw, noonan is on the left saying this.  amazing.
Hillary Clinton is not up at night worrying about the national-security implications of open borders in the age of terror. She's up at night worrying about whether to use Mr. Obama's position on driver's licenses for illegals against him in ads or push polls.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Regarding the CAN brand required on Canadian cattle exported to the US. The ruling requires that all cattle exported from Canada into the US MUST have either a CAN brand ot a CAN tattoo in their left ear. What is making it really interesting is that each state has different requirements and tests, and this includes the brand and tattoo. Some states are requiring either a brand OR a CAN tattoo.... some states are requiring both the CAN brand AND a CAN tattoo.... some are requiring a CAN brand only. On top of this you need an ACE manifest,an E manifest, and a shipping control number and you also need a permit number to enter some states. I have been told that the ACE manifest was introduced after 911, and there can be a $10,000 fine if you arrive at the border without it. The person transporting the cattle is the only one who is required to have this. You also have to have an updated NAFTA document, and the IRS number for the person in the US who is getting the cattle.
Of course after you get all this done, you still need the Health certificate(s) for the animals being exported.

I have just spent about 8 hours on the phone making sure I have all my paperwork correct, just to export 2 animals. I certainly hope everyone uses some patience and common sense with us Canucks, while we get familiarized with the process again. The process is more involved than before BSE closed the border, but if you are willing to work through the red tape, you can move cattle back and forth between the two countries.... and this is the important thing we all need to remember. This beef industry is really a North American industry. We all need to work closer together as having access to genetics produced in each country is important to us all.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
When I get to the pearl-ly gates I hope god lets me in. I hope she isn't to pissed at me ;)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
Well thats the first I have heard about the brand and stuff I wonder if that will change anyones mind about taking there animals down there


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
I haven't talked to Bryan personally, but I had heard that Brylor wasn't going to bring cattle down because of it.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
Well  here I go, we own and raise some Red Angus and comparing it to the other breeds we belong to, we never felt welcome as new comers to the breed, we were just
some show cattle people that came in with one or two calves or heifers, or steers and wooped some butt and went home, but my son was really young, would have done nothing but
try and promote the breed and added some spice to the good ole boys club but we have pretty much reduced the red angus we had due to the way in which we were always
treated at the shows, It is a wonderful breed the cows are good mothers and the calves always do good, I know there is more than just show cattle people, but we all need to
remember that perception to the public is 90 percent of the public battle, the more these kids take these individual breeds to these summer point shows the more people talk about
the breed, alot of people may say to themselves, lets buy one of those and try it-and lets face it young kids that promote the breed and win influence alot of people.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Well, here I go (doesn't look like anyone else is following the "no complaining-its Christmas" thing anyway (and I never agreed to it to begin with):
I am a relative new to the RA breed.  But have been around some of the breeders from the bottom enders to the "elite". And like all breeds they have their "moments". But, I have found that several "big" breeders (or at least THEY think they are big) like to puff their chest and "create the breed in their own image" and to the heck with the breed in general. If their herd lacks calving ease, simply get rid of the BW EPD, if they don't win at the shows due to poor conformation, then make the judge use EPD's. If you have a bull worth promoting, make sure the little breeders don't get any......
and the "bottom enders".....if we all had that big of egos we would have to distribute them evenly around the globe to keep the earth on orbit!!! 
I also some RA breeders that are absolutely great! Promote their breed without stepping on toes, help other cattleman out regardless of color of cow, and will be the first to buy ya a refreshment in the time of need.
I realize these are just the breeders I know, and certainly not ALL breeders.
But, if the RA breed isn't careful, the self-chosen few will not only RUN this breed, but they will also RUIN it.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
SH & J A Mom- it is sad to say but you are both right in your conclusions. I have been in this breed for 17 years and around it for close to 25. The "Big Boys" make it hard to do business with anyone outside of the "inner circle". I actually find it very amusing that some of the "players" that have only been in the breed for 3 or 4 years, think they are the salvation of the breed. I've seen alot of them come and go - the ones that make the most noise when they get in usually don't last long. Many of them try to buy their way to the top and yes you can win doing that, but it means a lot more to me to see someone showing animals that have their breeders prefix on 3 or 4 generations in the pedigree than someone that buys their way into the winners pictures at shows. Now before everybody gets up tight remember that I am talking about breeding stock not show steers. Breed a champion - I'll look at you. Breed 2 champions amd I'll study your program. Breed cattle that consistantly are competative and we'll talk business.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
I deal in both Angus associations and let me tell you that in both there are the cliques, saviors and self declared guardians.  (But nothing like I have experienced with certain other groups.)

The RAAA is going to have to do better at communicating and incorporating the small (less than 50 head) herds into its ranks. Much of this is due to the growing pains the association is experiencing. Much of its future growth will be in small herds. Hopefully when refocusing on the breed the benefit to the small breeder will get emphasized as well.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj said:
When I get to the pearl-ly gates I hope god lets me in. I hope she isn't to pissed at me ;)

From what I hear aj - as long as you have the appropriate paperwork and vaccinations you can get in - there may be a wait and don't forget to check your tattoos to make sure they match exactly your paper work!

JIT - I feel your pain re the different states and their requirements - we in MI because of TB deal with it all the time - and now we need permits to move btwn zones in the same state - every state is a sovereign entity and some take that to the max - mix in a little politics, an eye of newt, minimal science and a grudge and you get something special!

We in the lower part of MI (no TB aka modified accredited advanced zone) can now go to Ohio with a 60 d TB test (and all the usual permanent official ID, health certificate etc) BUT the great state of Illinois requires a whole herd test and 2 specifically timed tests....we don't send anything anywhere without calling and sometimes the people on the end of the phone don't know either - last year about this time the usual person in one state was gone and the replacement told everyone they didn't need any tests (USDA requires minimum 60 d negative test) - when it was discovered what had been said they had to contact everyone and lots of people couldn't get to a show - ahhh regulatory medicine it is a beauty! Good luck to ya,